

Giving Back to Our Communities!

February was a busy month for Fortune Bay Resort Casino as it played host to the 2023 Fun Run and the 2023 Black Woods Blizzard Tour.   Aside from check donations of $2,500 and $4,000, respectively, in-kind contributions added another $15,000 for these two events.   Couple that with some check presentations to the Northeast Range High School Band Trip, Tower Area Food...

Fortune Bay expands its retail services with smoke shop

The Bois Forte Business Development Corporation has ventured into numerous commercial ventures in the past. Some have failed, i.e., two Tim Horton’s franchises, while others, like the Y Store, have proven to be a solid investment. With any luck, Bois Forte could soon be on the cusp of hitting a home run by delving into the lucrative cannabis edibles industry. Bois Forte Tribal...

Hats Off to 36 Wonderful Years at the Bay!

Thanks to its hard-working and dedicated employees, Fortune Bay Resort Casino continues to stand the test of time and is celebrating its 36th Anniversary this month!   “It really is a tribute to our employees,” said General Manager Mayan Beltran, who also serves as the CEO of Bois Forte Business Development Corporation. “Fortune Bay continues to be successful...

Memories abound for 9th annual TAVF event

It never gets old—at least that was the reception Phil Bakken received when giving his traditional opening remarks at the recently conducted 9th annual Take A Veteran Fishing event. “Hey, they didn’t boo me this time,” said Bakken with a big smile as he finished telling a joke that he does every year before guides take out our veterans for a morning of fishing on...
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